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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

I was also told

I was in a meeting with suits and ties. You know the type. Bankers from mercantile. He had alot of letters after his names CEFO said something to the effect about " this is government ".

I was told this isn't new

three people told me that this is what they been doing to black people forever. They said it like it is normal like it's the norm. But this is not right. And if I never see justice I know the truth. And I will die with the truth in my heart and a needle in my arm.

I was told this isn't new

three people told me that this is what they been doing to black people forever. They said it like it is normal like it's the norm. But this is not right. And if I never see justice I know the truth. And I will die with the truth in my heart and a needle in my arm.

The day this all started

I went downtown to the court house 5th floor legal assistance center. I saw a white man running out of the corner of my eye. My crazy self started running to. I beat him to the door. I will never forget being pushed through the metal detector like the killer was on my heels. Very hastily. And I will never forget the body language of the people standing there. Like they were about to draw their guns. I filed a complaint with the consumer protection bureau. The guy that was running was trying to beat me to the legal assistance center to tell them not to help me. I got no more assistance after that day. Second time I went to the legal assistance center they refused to help me. I was trying to use a fax machine and was told they didn't have one. I saw three as I was standing there. Wow They shut me up.. and down

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me