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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Now I know I have a way

of expressing myself but it does not compare to the way Mother would put a string of cuss words together not for the faint of heart or virgin ears I have never heard it like that since it was cock sucking mutha fucking crooked rotten dirty sonofabitches (referring to outside entities) my ears would burn I thought it was all one bad long cuss word ewe wee

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The environment in which

I grew up in was not healthy to say the least it's a reason I felt like Cinderella

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Um suppose tell you that

my "mother" has a history of mental illness bitches she is not my real mother and poisoned me to try and make me crazy to keep the lie going what the fuck I'll be the talking fetus

Because now when when

you ask me my family history

Mother wasn't a hugger

our first hug I remember I was a grown adult it got easier after that I never pretty much knew a normal Marjorie outside of her "mental illness" every six months she would be committed to kent oaks and every year Kalamazoo state hospital

Mother used to say

when my baby referring to myself gets grown that I would tell the story. I didn't know what that meant of course but agreed with her to soothe her because of her "mental illness " and here we are

I loved my

Mother and I know she loved me.

Don't bring children into a

world where they fall through the cracks of the system and the government steals their identity and fraudulently uses their information

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me