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Monday, January 31, 2022

Hiring and firing practices

picking and choosing my battles one day I'm laid off due to illness the next day I quit because of illness how did I resign when you never received a letter of resignation from me but I got one from you telling me I resigned just because you said that shit does not mean that it's true stop fucking employees

Sometimes we need all hands on deck

any way you piece it together I mean any way you bless me Lord I'll be satisfied

And might I add for the record

I was just at Cherry street Heart of the City. Their client service office, let's just say I'm grateful for their help as well.

Dr. C is my Spectrum Health Doc

but the afternoon/evening I went to the emergency room to get fluids he called me from a Metro Health number. I remember because our call got dropped. He told me to get to the nearest emergency room and I ended up at Mercy Health where I was treated by the Residents. Doctor's in training.

Thanks Dr C. and Mercy Health

my kidney has returned to normal

Sunday, January 30, 2022

I may not look sick today

I hope to never throw up again and I might throw up tomorrow you can't tell that I'm still light headed and my stomach is still tender just by looking at me. that has been a problem in the past not looking like I got hit by a bus but feeling like it

Didn't know that Dr. King's Mom

was murdered in church on a Sunday while she was playing the Lords prayer on the organ. I must be the last person to know this.


Who is A.D. King

Monday, January 24, 2022

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me