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Friday, August 20, 2021

If you build it

they coming even if they gotta walk 🚶‍♂️ three blocks huh

Caring is

a fault of mine like who gives a fuck really

The American way

screw you


Spectrum health has put my health in jeopardy and has taken no responsibility. For the record I don't need this shit in my life. So I guess I won't be getting the latest ultrasound for the lump in my arm. I can't afford it


To bill me for this To write me up and give me a point for missing days is like a slap in the face.

This is not Yvonne's fault

For months and months I thought it was something wrong with me as to why I was sick. Let me reiterate something in the air at Blodgett made me ill.

Now back to the needle prick

the last time I had blood drawn from my right inner elbow was at orientation for my current job. I mentioned before how the nurse said my blood stopped flowing. Now I am not able have blood drawn from the right arm because it left me with a lump in my arm that needs to be surgically removed.

Waiting to hear from Spectrum

in regards to me being sick throwing up,taking medication I didn't need and tests that were unnecessary all because something at Blodgett in the air was the cause. I was sick for months and now that I'm in a different location doing the same job working with the same chemicals. My symptoms have away. This shit would happen to me.

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me