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Friday, September 27, 2024

So if you see me


After I got across the street

 To catch the other bus i damage near had to jump in front of it to get it to stop 

I'm know different

 Than nobody else being treated like shit every day 

So after that guy tried to run me over

 I went to his normal hang out spot for him to do what the fuck ever 

That's the second time

 I was left at a bus stop stranded 

So now I have to

 Cross this busy street to catch it going the other way 


 I was standing at the bus stop and the bus passed me by 

I weigh

 Less than 100 pounds 60 years old with Hella health issues 

This person

 Weighs about 300 pounds 

The person gets out

 Of his vehicle calling me bitches telling me he will fuck me up for hitting his truck 

I barely had time to move out the way

 And my reaction was to hit the truck with my walking stick 

There's only

 One or two things that can happen