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Saturday, December 16, 2023


are 3 wards in Grand Rapids

I don't care

how they left the building hook or crook bitch

I want my

earrings missing about 3 pairs

I think I

can break your hand if enough pain is administered way in the backroom just in case i scream no one can hear me

It's like

liar alert scam alert cheat alert phony alert robber alert hold on to your purse alert a muthafucka might jump out the bushes alert so take yo lying scamming cheating fake Ima rob you and take your purse and throw you in the bush ass on I'd rather see the real authentic you


are you

What is

a straight answer

We in the stedford town

the stedford town

The sky might

be falling

Wait wait

they lie about ev-very thing

The other time that I

didn't speak up I smelt it briefly in a area that I thought unusual well anyway nobody gives a fuck chicken little

Maybe I should make her

 A black face