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Sunday, December 10, 2023


just like I did not know a about the indigenous people on reservations I did not know about Wards until Hurricane Katrina

It's in the

heart of the city

The elephant is not

in the room

That's what I was

born into

Now I'm pretty sure

I was not suppose to be born I was not suppose to make it out of the womb alive and I know I have been oppressed in my lifetime

Until recently

no joke I thought Indians chose to be on reservations and growing up we didn't stray to far from the neighborhood or you new where not to go

From the list

of people and events seems like by the time I got to elementary school we were reading Dr Martin Luther King I have a dream speech and lots of assemblys I remember Richard Nixon and Watergate and I remember the saying where is Jimmie Hoffa

Never have I ever

saw a documentary with the following names John F Kennedy Bobby Kennedy Martin Luther King Jr Malcom X Stokely Carmichael Eldridge Cleaver Medgar Evers Jimmie Hoffa Ted Kennedy Richard Nixon John Lewis Caesar E Chavez Vietnam war Watts riot Detroit riot Kent State University riot until now I was born in 1964

Friday, December 8, 2023

the socks

Are support socks specifically for my condition 

and when she said that

For some reason it made me think of a woman
Who wore two pair of glasses at the same time
And when I first saw her I thought it strange but
Then I rationalized it like maybe one pair was for near sidedness and the other pair for far sidedness and she couldn't afford one good pair so she wore two pair at the same time 

it would be like

Wearing contact lenses and wearing glasses
At the same time 

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me