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Thursday, October 27, 2022

If the Parkland shooter

can kill 17 and injury 17 and get to live why am I not allowed to heal properly what the fuck

And I was the one

crying the two sessions we did have huh

Yesterday was my

second and last visit for a while whatever she did too me yesterday has me in pain today and she said if my pain got worse today something to the effect of not returning and that I attacked her

Started occupational therapy

last week the doctor said four visits I'm scheduled for twelve

Making an appointment

to discuss the arthritis the person whom I saw that day suggested this occupation therapy first discussion pertaining to therapy

That therapy session

was out of place I didn't know I had arthritis in my body at that time why was that appointment made which by the way a gentleman called and canceled seeming a bit confused

But when this

Doctor says you have arthritis in your back and I say this Doctor some one I have not seen before or after that day I was like dam that would be the reason for the pain in my back

I ended up getting the

test results from my doctor's office the reason for the ultrasound was supposed to have been too make sure I didn't rip any stitches

I got a prescription

for a muscle relaxer and left before I got the results of any test run they were a little upset with me because I was tired of being what felt like a hostage in the emergency room that day

After waiting in pain

for hours in the emergency room they put me in a bed in the hallway to wait longer and them wanting to take ultrasounds and other test I was finally given something for pain..morphine which was given to others. No privacy

Two days after I threw

away those drugs I pulled that hamstring and short of going dumpster diving I went to the emergency room and that visit was horrible

Let me add
