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Sunday, July 17, 2022

Next memory being

in school at Sheldon someone picking on Albert and Marjorie going up to the school to confront the principal with a knife because he failed to stop her son for being bullied

The death of that man

left Mother with 9 children to raise with no male to help

Next kinda of memory is sad

of the person whom I was told was my dad passed away. I was young before I was in school

I was a baby

I've never seen any pictures of myself as a baby but if my grandsons are any indication I probably was a cute baby I remember people looking and responding how people normally respond when they see babies

My earliest memory

and I have had this memory all my life of being a baby wrapped in a blanket in some ones arms traveling on what I always thought was a air plane but was later told was a train

The experts say that children

have no memory of early age I beg to differ

Setting my anger aside

humbled by those school records

Friday, July 15, 2022


is the reason I graduated she didn't say much when she was on those meds so when she asked me to stop fighting and graduate she knew I didn't like school and said what she didn't like to do I did what I could from that moment to get enough credits to graduate

The last time I

got kicked out they were like one more fight I would probably have to go to an alternative school

I got suspended from

middle school and high school for fighting with boys both times I scratch their faces so bad they asked if I had some kind of weapon when I told them that it was my fingernails they made me cut them and kicked me out of school

Any takers

 Any volunteers