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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

I respectively decline

based on the fact that I might incriminate myself against xyz

So when they asked me

if I wanted to go too the hospital I respectively declined I can't I have had my fair share

I have seen the light

on the carbon monoxide alarm go red before but it must not have been strong enough to set off the alarm

Me and Dr. C agree on one

thing that I should have some dull moments in my life it's our prayer

I always keep the window

open winter spring summer fall the window is open always I like a air flow but I was instructed to close it by the 911 operator to close the window and go outside close the window so they could get an accurate reading and as soon as they walked in their instruments started beeping

Everyone needs a carbon monoxide alarm

alarm please call the fire department if you don't have one I believe they install them for free

Thanks to the fire department

and dte energy and maintenance

Im human I'm a person

 I bleed red blood and I can feel I have feelings