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Friday, June 3, 2022

Verifying my identity today

the passport should be the ID of all IDs I would of sent a copy of the certificate of live birth but I believe it has been altered with that small ass print pertaining to being an a

Sometimes the intervention

of GOD is by any means necessary

Up next

full body scan really

The last

procedure where you stuck a tube down my nose to the throat and I was conscious and given very little numbing aid you left me traumatized that was bull shit and we ain't doin bull shit no more

Right about now

I believe I have a piece of that needle in my body. my body has responded by vomiting,issues with digesting food,terrorizing night sweats,and the pain in the right eye every other day that feels like I'm being polked in the eye with the very same needle

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Now I know I have a way

of expressing myself but it does not compare to the way Mother would put a string of cuss words together not for the faint of heart or virgin ears I have never heard it like that since it was cock sucking mutha fucking crooked rotten dirty sonofabitches (referring to outside entities) my ears would burn I thought it was all one bad long cuss word ewe wee

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The environment in which

I grew up in was not healthy to say the least it's a reason I felt like Cinderella

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Um suppose tell you that

my "mother" has a history of mental illness bitches she is not my real mother and poisoned me to try and make me crazy to keep the lie going what the fuck I'll be the talking fetus

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me