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Saturday, April 30, 2022

My library card

has to be renewed at some point

If I abducted a child

I would probably have to create a new identity for that child. new name new age fake documents you know shit like that this is real and real talk really fucked up and probably what happened to me fucking liars lying from the very beginning of my life

Someone once told me

that everything I new was a lie everything

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Apparently I have had to fight

from the very moment I was taken from the womb


an official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country to represent the commercial interests of citizens of the appointing country

Now the man has been here

checking on the birds in the fireplace about a week ago or so. To my surprise at that time he didn't see anything. well upon further observation I see what's going on they are not stuck they have access in and out by way of the chimney and they make their presence known every morning

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


a government official appointed to receive and investigate complaints made by individuals against abuse or capricious acts of public officials

It's not me slamming cabinets today

 It's the person above me