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Saturday, March 1, 2025

And I will handle it

 How ever the fuck I see fit

Its my


Its a fuckin problem

 Bitch it's a goddam problem 

You want walk

 On my heels 

So if you see

 Me swinging on a bitch 

I'm not

 Your mannequin 


 Not your blow up doll





Yall need to get your

 Old ass dad's and tell them to stop tricking 

I need a picture frame about this size


The Oval


Like an app

 On the phone idk if that is new but I think it's cool 

I heard that

 There is a alcoholic anonymous app

It felt like the

 Perp walk bitch 

It left me

 Feeling a certain kind of way 

Not that it's

 Anybodies business what I'm eating 


 If I wanted the whole neighborhood to know that I had pizza 

How was I

 Gonna hide the pizza box 


 As I was sitting there waiting on my little pizza to be prepared it was occurring to me that I was gonna have to walk this pizza box just a couple blocks over 

Thank you

 Still enjoying the rest of it 


 Of various reasons I had to treat myself to something so I decided to stop by Peppinos 


 Have been craving pizza for over a year or more 

Domino's is probably the last pizza I had 

Until yesterday 

And I will handle it

 How ever the fuck I see fit