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Sunday, December 29, 2024



Must have two jobs

 I think he work at ABC warehouse to 

The maintenance man

 Name randy 

I just left

 And left my key card in the building 


 If it was a actual bus stop kinda close by the bank when you turn the corner 

I had

 The whole bus ride to fix it 


 Earring came apart 



So that key

 Thing came out my glove

A whole

 Earring jumped out of my ear 

That guy stopped

 By old sigsbee school 

So Friday

 When I caught the bus 

What category

 Do you fall into 


 Check your self 

That which is false

 Is not real


 Is reality 

It's hard to know

 What's real 

I was making a quilt

 For a person I thought died 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Look for the penny

 The toilet finally flushed 

I bet

 Them beasty babies got doctors 

Go get your

 Big foot kids out of the woods 

Keep selling wolf tickets

 Bitch because I'm sure you and yo mamma slept with a dog 

The price is right

 Free 99


 On down 

In the word's of

 Bob barker 

Right about now

 You wish you woulda stayed a woman 

The debarges

 Better known as switch 


 That's what we used to do 

Oh oh oh

 They don't do that anymore 

You know

 They got that water 


 Maybe I should throw another penny in the veteran park


 I made a wish 


 Dropped a penny in the toilet 

And it want



 Dropped um a penny fell in the toilet 


Or r u

 The kidnapper 

Did you have that


Don't unleash

 And bugs

You put that spin

 On the man bun

Wednesday, December 25, 2024




Well what could I say




What is the cost for a

 Finger Rick 

What is the cost for


What is the cost

 Of a  breath 

Can i breathe

 Or no

How much of my life

 Do you control 

How much power

 Are you gonna exert over me 

And again

 What are the side effects of the medication 

How much medication

 Would that take 

Well if I was a

 Man  and wanted to be woman 


 By the medical community 

And of being


For about

 9 months 

So the last medicine I

 Took left me bleeding internally 

Even if it is a

 Dog whistle 

But they fancy

 They got all the bells and whistles 

I'll try

 Use these 

So after I finish quilting

 My way 


 They lost me 

They use squares like these


They quilt

 With the 

Do people make quilts

 This way right because that's not what the lady's on pbs quilt 

I'm really kinda fucked up

 Because I don't know where that came from 


 The quilting style 

Does it affect you


What is the side effects

 Of all the hormone medication 

What a


I could not make this

 Shit up in a million years 

That's not a

 Option for me 

I was lead to belive

 Justice is fought in the court of law 

So we run on

 To see what the ends gonna be 


 I understand why people can do whatever they want to me 



They both have patterns

 One has a star the other a heart 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 Like that 

Flipping the pattern

 On the back 

I mean

 Make one piece 

I guess I'm supposed

 To cut twice 

The other part

 Of the back only has one panel 

Yeah I made the

 One piece for the front 

Diving right into

 Making a garment 

Taking my time


Taking out some squares


Yeah dude I got u

 Uma get this lotion to you 

And if I do another row

 The white heart 

There is the heart in the center

 But I see a heart shaped pattern in the quilt 

Monday, December 23, 2024

It's hard to breathe

 Because of the dead body smell 

It's hard

 To breathe 


 I mean carrots 

I have soon


It takes all kinds to make the world go round

 That's why they got u rabbit bitches 

Now U

 Shut the FUCK up 





Thinking that this person

 Was a woman 

This judge

 Probably fucked the city treasurer 

You bring a new meaning

 To thick as theives 

And this is what

 Crooks and theives do 

Wait awe shit



 Looks like they tampered with the numbers 


But we haven't been to

 Court and mercantile banks name is stamped on the Court papers 

Dam near a

 Year or so 


 Subpoena me 

Does that mean

 If you find new evidence you bring the case back before the court 

So the court case

 That was  dismissed without prejudice 

Yeah its been a


Yeah I just wanted to say hi to my


Hell thats 10 minutes

 She said he was coming from by miss Tracy's 

I waited about five

 Minutes she said she had been waiting for five minutes 

I wanted to say hi

 But he took to long 

When I saw

 Shonda at the gas station 

I had asked

 If earl was coming from kingdom come 



What i had meant to

 Say was



She brought it to the

Wrong door 



 U betta get your food 

We will take

 Yo shit like a pilgrim 

You know how

 We do 

Like they did

 Bin laden cookies 

I hope and pray

 Nobody comes to get it 

They left you

 Some food by the door outside 

It is still

 A dead person that you are eating 

At the end of a


Dead body parts

If you


At the end of a day

 Its still gonna be a pig

If you put

 Lipstick on a pig 

You must have a dumb ass mammy

 Because the apple don't fall far from the tree


 You stupid 

If I

 Found it under the rug 

And came back

 To see 

Brought it back

 Stuck it under the rug

You take my Humana spending card

 Could not use it 


 Me see if I got this right 

You beat me over the head

 Wit that covid Comercial 


 I asked checked everything box

I musta been

 Crazy for having a thought like that Lord forgive me 

Why would I want

 To do such a thing 



I use to want

 To live till 90

Pussy little


Come on bitch

 Stop playing on the phone 


 They got men wipes fem 

I be done

 With the quilts bitch 

So i can't change

 A crazy person 


 Bout done with these quilts


 12 steps 

God give




Saturday, December 21, 2024

To be hated

 By a man because I am a woman because they want to be a woman 

Is that a

 Regular spot for you 

Sitting by the tv

 You were scroming 

And the day I saw you

 Between the bank and the family dollar 

You scromed

 At the bank that day 

It was your

 Scroomish body language 

They probably better

 Than what us ladies have 

I saw some

 Butt wipes for men the other day 

They musk

 Have a twin 

And if he she

 Didn't work for mercantile bank 

But I can only


I didn't know what

 That means meant 

Well that person

 The city treasurer said they identified as pronoun he/ she 

Felt a bad


Like as soon as they

 Walked in the room I kinda felt like I had met this person before 

Before I knew they were

 The city treasurer i thought I recognized the face 

I took classes

 Here at the dwelling place down the street and the city treasurer was in these classes 

Did the city treasure

 Work for mercantile bank in the past 

I was born

 With my vagina 

Now the city


No offense

 But we not the same 

The vagina monolog

 Is not for you 

Now if you identify

 Or go by he she pronouns

Happy new




And in my Bible

 God talks alot about his bowels 

I think we should bring

 The vagina monolouge back 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Apparently I am

 The only person having these experiences 


 That part 

That was some

 Time back 

Apparently its Friday

 And have a good weekend 

A person



 When I got to my destination 


 It musta took me two days 

And I left

 On a Wednesday 

I was walking


So um

 One day 


 Never right these days 

I keep

 Resetting the tv time 

Comb your hair

 While I was gone 

Did you get a chance

 To shit shower shave 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

To be under

 Attack constantly 

Or continue to be

 The sitting duck 

I kinda was

 Like do I open the door swinging 

Yeah so I

 Didn't have any where to go 

Somebody was breathing

 Outside my door like an animal 

So when a couple of days ago

 Or so 

I didn't hear

 The ex

I only heard him say

 The terminator bitch 

I mean

 The exterminator 

Maybe the cleaning lady

 Came through with the terminator 

So bin laden was eating

 A bag of peanuts and wasted half the bag on the steps 

The bag disappeared and the peanuts that was on the steps 

You are

 Out of order 


 What happened to 



So I should

 Apologize to him for my reaction 


 A guest of a neighbor 

He could be


He clearly was in

 The building 

But now I feel


I proceeded

 To cuss him out pretty much threatened him

I looked at them

 And saw that it was bin laden 

As I got closer to pass

 By the person 

Not knowing what

 The fuck i proceeded to walk down the steps a little hesitation 

I came out of my apartment

 One morning to see a man wearing a black hoodie sitting on the steps 

It took

 A beat

Gotta comb

 My hair 

I think there is a fabric store

 At that mall I was asking the bus driver about 

Still considering

 A white border 



I need

 Quilting thread 

I washed it



 A weird dream 

When to

 Flush the toilet 🚻 

I dreamt

 Someone was or kept telling me 


 Out what's on my mind 




 Never a dull moment in my life 

So if you saw that bus

 Turning around by the hospital i was on that bus 

He turned around

 By the hospital 

A lady got up

 Asked where we was going and told him he made a wrong turn 

And then

 Made a wrong turn the opposite way 

He said


I sat down

 But had to get up to ask if he was gonna stop at that greenridge that mall

I was on the

 Bus yesterday 

Thursday, December 5, 2024


I heard the mayor

 Is a crackhead 

I mean

 Who the fuck know what time it truly is 

Might be

 Same day 

Same shit

 Might not be different day 

No new

 News though 

You probably




Come thru



 Del a cou

Election fraud

 Bank fraud government take over 


 Over coo

Obviously we

 Third world 


 That bitch out 

Bring in the

 Next clown 

You not good

 At your job 





That's your


That's what you got

 Paid fo


 The cabinet bitch 

Say some sly

 Shit as you walk by 

That's what weak bitches


Walk around me

 When I'm sleep

Play in the


Nobody gives a


Cut a whole

 Thru the wall 

Stomp a hole

 Right in the ceiling 

At this point

 Bitch come down here 


 That in mind 


 You are the criminal 

After that shit

 I feel better 


 And I can piss on your head if you like 


 For this shit 

Any minute




I'm running bathwater

 In case anybody wanted to know 

So basically

 They just giving out money at the bank 

Some banks

 Don't even check id

It's a good time

 To be a criminal 

I can't focus

 To make another quilt 

Can't afford it

 They stole all my money 

I mean a

 Border for the quilt 


 That was the birth certificate 

I need a border

 With adoption code 

That is


Look for me to be murder

 Or be the murderer 

You propping

 People outside my door 

Must be nice

 The scheme so big 


 No one is gonna stop you 

Plotting your next


You to busy


Let's see

 What you doing 


 Your business 




 The dots