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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Story television

 Uh McDonald's oh fast foods



And now ma'am sir I have them

 And will do my best to take care of them 

Scratch the


As well as steal

 A little rip here tear there a little hole in the wall pin hole in the mirror 

They come in an tamper

 With things 



 When I'm here bitch 

That don't make you no man

 Bitch cause you steal from me when I'm not here that makes you a hoe 

I'm sure it's a weak ass


Fuckin bitch


Weak ass


It a be

 A whole new story 

Come in this bitch

 When I'm here 

You can steal from me all day

 When I'm not here 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Write yo

 Own story

Fuck yall

 And the book 

Pay me

 For my information 

Fill it from the


Fill it in

 The best way you can 

We can sum up mom's

 Story in a few words

The zoo is missing

 An ape and a gorilla 


 They need you back at the zoo


 You fat black bitch 

My food that I just got




Along with all the other

 Things you stole out of here 

I can't go anywhere

 Without being ripped the fuck off

Im sick

 Because of it

I'm sick

 Of it 

Something I made from trash

 Stolen right out of hear 

Stop stealing from

 Me it's not ok

I would be wrong

 If I went back to demand my change 

I have no

 Change and I specifically asked for my change 

He didn't give me my


The book about my story

 It really means alot to me so excuse me while I put my little heart 💕 back in my chest 

It took the clerk to remind me

 Those kids cigarettes were made of chalk candy 

We had a good laugh 


 Was at the gas station at the check out and I saw a pack of cigarettes that reminded me of the cigarettes they had for kids back in the day 



April 5th 0030


Sunday, October 13, 2024


 Somebody likes playing with bugs 


 Something is dead behind my bathroom mirror 


Maybe they have a phobia

 That prevents them from going outside 

And someone is in

 The apartment above me 

Let's call it


What ever the fuck

 Thing is 

I saw the movie the


And I want to

 Vote legally 

I want to


What do you call it


Old racist

 Theft,benefits disappearing , lying out right lies, fraud 

I'm literally shocked

 About what this Bible says 

I'm mixed between



 The dots