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Monday, September 30, 2024

I didn't know who

 To call To cancel that ride 

Saturday I get a message

 From the ride service saying they would send an Uber  

So the doctor called Friday

 To reschedule but I had to cancel because I wasn't gonna be able to change the ride time 

My i00 ride

 With motive  care which is probably a made up name because you told me a different name at first 

No ride 

No care 

And God only knows who that man was 



Who paid

 For this ride 

My ride

 Was one way 

The ride service

 Arranged a Uber for me to my doctors appointment 

Did the truck have a

 Sign saying Uber 

Friday, September 27, 2024

By his stripes

 With his stripes yeah no over it 

I won't

 Be reading the Bible any more 

And been in church

 All my life 

It's really sad that I got

 Thru the whole book of Isaiah before I recognized any of the scripture 

If you a fan of


Has really

 Good tomatoes 

And I know

 Wealthy market 


 I think I should be upset from time to time 

Now I gotta walk downtown

 To another store 

The family dollar

 Doesn't open until 8 the i walked to the dollar general Madison cherry which is supposed to open at 7 not open she comes to door talking about she the only person in the store so can't open 

And your a


Mean time

 Yeah they called a little while ago and basically canceled the appointment 

What could I do to

 Make you happy?

You fill in the blank

Would it make you feel better

 If I 




 At the bus stop 

To be refused

 The medical help you need 

So to have a man

 That weighs 300 pounds himself plus his vehicle trying to run you down you let me know what that feels like 

When I do get outside

 You don't know what a struggle for me 

But I

 Get up every day 

And the paper I got from the doctor

 Said the "mass" on my arm is getting bigger 

I expect

 To much 

But from what I'm being told

 This is normal 

The insurance company

 Gave me another place to call and yeah blah blah blah 

Well I called the insurance company


In the meantime

 I get a call from the resident doctors 221 Michigan st

She recommends

 No one but my insurance company says that there is a specialist in the same office 

Instead of my doctor

 Recommending the hand specialist in her office building 

I need to see basically

 A  hand surgeon 

And it's not like

 I can do anything 

With out


So yeah that guy

 Trying to run me over very unnerving 

So if you see me


After I got across the street

 To catch the other bus i damage near had to jump in front of it to get it to stop 

I'm know different

 Than nobody else being treated like shit every day 

So after that guy tried to run me over

 I went to his normal hang out spot for him to do what the fuck ever 

That's the second time

 I was left at a bus stop stranded 

So now I have to

 Cross this busy street to catch it going the other way 


 I was standing at the bus stop and the bus passed me by 

I weigh

 Less than 100 pounds 60 years old with Hella health issues 

This person

 Weighs about 300 pounds 

The person gets out

 Of his vehicle calling me bitches telling me he will fuck me up for hitting his truck 

I barely had time to move out the way

 And my reaction was to hit the truck with my walking stick 

As he swerved around

 The corner and gunning his truck in my direction 

Normal thing happened to me yesterday

 A guy tried to run me over 

Monday, September 23, 2024



The building's

 Are crooked 


 Cutting limbs 

Another one

 Right here oh

We will build a

 Hospital right here 

Were gonna keep

 Building  fuck 

We not in a man made


Did you

 Do the Donald Trump to your own business 

I hate when I be on the bus

And Somebody starts talking loud on they phone 

So we can burn

 These muthafuckas up 

Somebody please let me know

 When the Bible burning day is 

You in the car

 Or blowing the horn for no reason 

What about the



 No  fires need to be put out 

Any body

 Need a ambulance 


 Crime happening today 

Or the


Somebody lying

 Is it you 

Can't nobody

 Beleive it 

Can we burn

 The Bibles 



Can you come

 When I'm here 

You take that up

 With God 

Your problem is not with me

 You have a God problem 

I am not your problem

 But God is your problem 

So I didn't write the


That's in the


Many pastors

 Have done what 

Can you see it

 Can you picture this 


 My mind 

And put that with the girdle

 What a picture 

Now you take them there big wigs

 Men used to wear 


 Your girdle is showing 

How to know if he is wearing a girdle

 He will be on that weak shit 


 Cause I am not a pastor 

But pity the


At least

 That's ny interpretation 

He knew since Adam


Maybe God was saying

 You got weak balls and the girdle would help to strengthen them up 

Girdle up

 Your loins because 

I read it

 In the Bible 

Man you men

 Need to go back to wearing girdles

I don't feel like

 That fake  shit 

To be fucking


No leader's

 With the balls enough 

It's the pretending

 That this is normal 


 And no help 

Left to

 Defend your self 



It's so corrupt

 That the people who you would 

Looks like according

 To  calendar and receipt i was at the mall on that day 

Crossing Ts

 Dotting I's

What does it look like from

 Your window 

Now the demon

 Bringing two of his demon friends 

And how deceitful

 Man is 

The potter's



 Kiss it 

And soon

 I will be able to tell a bitch 

Growing an


We to the

 Potters wheels bitches 

That's like what

 God said about the leopard 

That was

 Whole last week 

Ima leave it

 At that 

They say

 Sugar is shit anyway 

All I remember me saying

 Was I don't know I just was like 

I'm in pain

 I don't know what the fuck he was saying about sugar 

I don't know

 He brought up sugar 


 Started talking about nothing 

I was in so much pain

 I sat down in the grass like next to a guy 

When I was leaving

 And went to the kentwood bus station 

My last mall trip

According to the receipt Thursday 

And you

 Turned away 

From your

 Office window 

How many crimes

 Have you seen 

And I thought the medical community

 Took a oath 

I will die

 With it in my arm 

Short of the needle

 Popping itself out 

I've already been on the phone

 For 28 minutes 

Im on hold

 Trying to arrange my first ride 

Maybe I

 Can get a ride 

I can't get 50

 All to the doctor 

I guess I betta

 Get some real sugar 

I was using the sugar

 For a facial scrub 

We to show

 And tell 

Because I didn't want to cuss

 You out in front of your own kind 

I got off the bus


Was about to start talking to

 Me crazy and I had to get off the bus 

That white man was on

 The silver line 

Back to your

 Fuckin country bitch 

Take you and

 Your shitty sugar 

Are here in this country

 With they bullshit

Who treat women like


But now other muthafuckers

 From other countries 


 Weak black men 


 Racist police 

That I have to put

 With these white racist men 


 Bad enough 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

They put them insoles

 In and sent me on my way 

And pulled over

 To make a pit stop to get the tires changed 

I thought I was at

 The Indianapolis 500 bitch 

They got me together

 Real quick 

Those two people

 Were so nice 

Can I pick

 My own poison 

Can't always use

 The walking stick 

But I did get a new pair

 Of custom made insoles for my shoes 

I didn't get no

 Work boots 

They were work boots

 Nicely made 

In my mind I was thinking

 Did these two people make all these shoes 

A place full of shoes

 And two people 

One of my trips I decided

 To walk in to the shoe place 

In front of the place

 Where the sign says they make shoes 

I was on a side of town

 And got off the bus where the bus stop is 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

They have drank urine

 And ate flesh 

Not to offend God

 But in this Bible 

But I might be

 Reading out of order 

I read the book of the

 Prophet Isaiah 

The old testament

 Pages looks like they haven't been read as much 

So in my Bible

 The new testament has been read more 

Well Lord

 I myself am shocked and amazed at the same shit 


 1 great surprise or amazement 

2 a cause of amazement; a marvel 

God was astonished

 And said in chapter 21 I am black 

Referring to him self not talking about the color of his skin 

The astonishment

 Of God 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Who you gonna


No wonder the guy was

 Able to feel my ass and get away with it 

Looks good

 On paper 

That act you passed

 Means nothing in real life 

Let's meet

 Because maybe you know how I feel 

And if anyone has this

 This document 

Than any picture

 You got on tv


 Not a good idea 

Since that might look

 Funny to you 

Because I can't really put it into words

 My response Might be to put a big ass maxi pad

Now if the creepy stalkers

 Know how to break into devices 

Maybe I should feel safe

 If they knock on the kitchen wall 

If mothafuckas

 Knock on your wall in your bathroom 


 You had stalkers bitch 

Would you be a little


What measures would you go thru

 To protect your privacy 

If you don't know how

 The stalker spy's on 

A victim

 Of all three things 

I must be

 Or have been 

In order for me to have a document

 From the justice department pertaining to violence domestic violence and stalking 

And since I can't get a date

 To save my life 

To help

 You stand up straight 


 The say it's good for the back 


 Ima get one of those 

I just saw the advertisement

 For the tall cane about height of my walking stick with the adjustable handle 

When I took the document to the court house

 Nobody could tell me anything about it nor was I able to find out about this car city case as to why a decision hasn't been made 

This document exist

 Because I have it 

No explanation


Is it still


Made it's too me

 From the the department of Justice 

Nobody owes me anything

 Not even a explanation 

Because it's so easy

 For you to take from me 

In my mind I must be



 The dots