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Monday, April 29, 2024

please bring the

Commercial back when the old lady thru the tire thru the window because I was having a moment like that today 


Is in the Bible 

now if I new

And I'm pretty sure I could find it to find out what book and chapter but it's in their 

second mom had her baby

And she had a change of heart and hide her baby 

and uhh like they decided

They ate the baby 

one mom went into labor

Had the baby 

that they would

Eat them eat the babies 

it's about two women

Both were pregnant and decided when they had their babies 

so it's about


I wrote it down

So that I could find it but 

there is this story

In the Bible 

Sunday, April 28, 2024


This is my kind of entertainment 

King Arthur

And now 

are you


watching whatever happened to Aunt Alice

From the beginning 

in like flint


Bonnie and Clyde

Thelma and Louise 

a stolen life

Dead ringer 

whatever happened to

Aunt Alice 

Hush hush

Sweet Charlotte 

is that

A vacuum 

but because of my stomach

My spirit says no 

so when I'm walking around in my physical body

And I pass by a restaurant and smell good food my mind wonder's what it taste like 

I can't eat

A lot of food so 

a higher power

Whatever that is for you 


Go to 


Positive vibes 



mind body spirit

Has to eat 

the spirit more rational

Between body and mind 

in this beat down body or beat up

In this crazy mind 

and My


at the same time in my mind

For those 30 seconds pain free I'm like kinda scary like a fred Sanford moment Elizabeth 


Need the device 

until the pain returns

Reality  pain management 

so 24hrs in a day

For 30 seconds I don't feel pain my mind goes to thinking I can work and ect

I'm in pain in the body

But in mind 


A first 

how is the state income tax

More than the fed 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

well since I was already almost kidnapped

Im gonna walk around wit my name on my shirt 

i was talking to a person

About a person we share history with and then I asked about the one somebodys moms house on 

you know

We know how or those who know how to make a fake check stub

they don't

Cash personal checks I was just using them as an example 

where is my

Record of transaction if I don't have a stub and cashed at 

put in

Ledger and back to original bank 

if cashed at

Store it goes to their bank 

ok so personal check

Either if at bank goes back to original bank 

or cash it

Sams Joe's 

either cashed

At a bank or 

a personal


it is

An entry in a ledger 

you are



Is it a personal check if it doesn't come with a stub



non negotiable



Send or what ever ah check stubs would say 

the job

In a perfect world 

and I had

Direct deposit 

when I had a




Thursday, April 18, 2024

this series

United stats of America 

but you

Learn about stuff 


This is entertaining 

now I can't

Even where heels 👠

I used to want

To be taller 


They tell stories differently than this 

still watching story television

I can't 


So cool 

break dancing

In the 2024 Olympics in Paris wow 

United stuff

Of America 

is this new

Or did y'all go back out of everything you could talk about 




Got jokes 

story television really

The show right now 



oh ima

Sucker for a cute kid 

I couldn't get a

Piece of candy 
Pet the dog 


A old lady cross the street 

I could be

The killer but you offering me a ride 

who offering

Strangers ride 

do you

Need a ride 

damn near lured

Adults can be lured like little children 

and almost

Kidnapped like a child twice yesterday 


The fire 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Saturday, April 13, 2024

you are some ccreepy

Disgusting perverted muthafuckers 

you wanna get

Get me started 

a bandit

Is missing 


With a negative zero 






From my Angle 

fuck locking up the criminal

I'm ready to go to jail 

but bitch

To many more days like these past few want be no more 

I'll try anything once

Maybe twice right 

at this point

Can they be stopped 

and it ain't


is it a real email

That's how bad it is 

because they like to do shit

Exclusively to me 

I hope all customers

Got that message 

way too many people

Got phones on me 


I am not suppose to have a phone nor access to a phone 

it's really

A shit show on the low

Friday, April 12, 2024

you are aware right

Of the issues 

I will reach out

Soon but give me a minute 


I got the email about the residential service agreement update 



Truth is reality

And that which is false 
Is not real 

this is my

Reality and truth 

I'm just never gonna be well

Under these circumstances 

All this shit is and has

Taken a tremendous toll on my health 

what do you do right

and a bag of chips

Way to much for my body though moving slow 

bus trip to the mall

It was All that 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

and I am

Proud of that 

well I caught the bus

To the Mall today 

OJ Simpson

Dies of cancer 

the bird from new York

Comes to my window I feel blessed 

I feel so special because a bird

Serenades me every morning 

is it

A new York bird just sayin it a fly bird 

is the bird from here

Or did it fly from new York 

I'm gonna try

And feed the bird bread today 


The bird 


Good morning 

I think that's what I heard

But the bird too loud over 

Penny Day sale

At JC pennys

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

first phone "stolen"

Second phone they say they did not send a SIM card it lol was supposed to be electronic 
Third phone had a SIM card 



back to

The two phones that are in my possession 

he said he don't care who it is

If they not looking for me don't let them in 

and as to the other

When I spoke to security 

I know that face

And you are not my neighbor 

I saw first

A guy with a mustache and beard 

so when the camera

Kicks on 

what he did not say was

I'm your neighbor so and so from apt # abc 

the door bell rings

Person says this is your neighbor I locked myself out 

we gonna talk about

The door bell ring 



is there a local

Xfinity office Comcast 

and not a person

Over seas 

to get to a person

Don't even know what button to push 

gotta talk to

AI artificial intelligence 

gotta call again

Gotta get a person a human on the phone 

you sent me 3 phones

And turn around ask me where did they come from 

this is like the appointment

I went to and received a letter saying I missed my appointment 


I'm so dizzy 

I have cancelled the line

And now they are trying to bill me 

make it make


then at one point I was asked

Where did I get the phone (s) as if they didn't send them 

and when I called Xfinity mobile

Several times to activate activate thru my account I was told the phone was activated but not really 

so with the 3 phones

There was a letter of denial of some sort but said my credit was fine so I not sure well fraud frustrating 

with that

Port out of that number just shady 

I didn't don't have service

With Verizon but the boost mobile man does 

now my other problem is addressed to the FCC

Back to square one in need of a phone I try and follow up to make sure this these numbers are disconnected 
I got these phones from Xfinity 
The message says the Verizon customer you called is no longer in service kind of message 

that doesn't work for me

Because of so many phones and phone issues somethings I don't want to have to rely on the phone for I'm having phone problems I might not be able to access my email but I can walk to the mailbox 

that created a issue

Because Xfinity says they can only email 

return label

Was sent to my email but I erased it by mistake and so I was asking for a return label to be mailed physically 

looking to send these two back

But first 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

because of your fake


and now we can't enjoy

A real sound of nature 
A bird 

and yet we know

Both were real 

the election

Was said to be fake 

the school shooting was said

Was said to be fake 

I just thought

You should know 

like water was stuck

Somewhere I thought water would project up but it sounded more like suctioning downward 

there was a whole

Situation like a vortex going on with the sink it started suctioning by itself 

it's ok to sin a


it's ok to act like

You gonna run me over 

but a bigger sin

That's the sin that will get you in trouble 

you can sin in this area

It's ok 

to compare the Man who said

That school shooting was fake to a fake bird sound 



was it a eclipse yesterday

Or was it 

there are

Sounds missing 

the train

Can read 


The trian with it's own mind 

y'all doing way too


to not hear

The fake bird right now says a lot 

you gonna

Fraud me to death 

you have gotten away with it

Nobody cares 

isn't the fraud


Bird sounds

So goddam vicious like it's about to bust thru the window up here 

and to try and function

What the fuck 

this is not




that Man got in a lot

Of trouble behind that 

and how

The one man had questioned as to the school shooting in Newtown or Newton was real or not 

as I watch the sentencing

Of Michigan School shooters parents 

to put this in to context

To have to question reality vs fake 

who is the genius

Behind this shit 

you might wanna go back

To slamming the cabinet 

how childish how crazy sounding how crazy

Do I have to be to call a bitch out about some fake ass Bird shit 

am I the only person

Being tortured by the bird noise 


 The dots