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Thursday, July 21, 2022

To the President

wishing you Godspeed

The President has

COVID we still in danger of the virus are we still in the pandemic

You left

things out headers and things at the top of the pages

This Bible

must be one of the last of the Mohican before you omitted things

And this is how

you handle me obviously not with care

I have been fed

lies all my life and my stomach is fucked up because of it

Unemployment office

lying crooked bitches

Point of reference

we starting with the truth

My Bible

is legit

Fake Bible's

floating around

Liars cheating stealing

at the Christian College


you fake Degree bitches I will deal with you after my surgery

Sunday, July 17, 2022

I was in ROTC

I'm not seeing those classes things are kinda cut off on these records

Some one

must of been in the service because she had a flag it was folded a certain kind of a way. She kept it in this drawer in the front room

Mother always

dressed very nicely with matching purses and shoes

I think the knife incident

is the reason she was diagnosed with mental illness. That was the onset. coulda been the reason why I hated school from that point on

Now as I look back at this

instead of her going to jail and being charged criminally not having proper access to services back then. I don't know what Mother did if anything prior to the knife incident although I heard of another incident which caused her to leave Detroit and come here.

I remember being called

out of class and sitting in the back seat a car by St. Luke A.M.E. Zion Church we sat I believe it was me Albert and Yvette we waited in the car while Mother was being arrested

Next memory being

in school at Sheldon someone picking on Albert and Marjorie going up to the school to confront the principal with a knife because he failed to stop her son for being bullied

The death of that man

left Mother with 9 children to raise with no male to help

Next kinda of memory is sad

of the person whom I was told was my dad passed away. I was young before I was in school

I was a baby

I've never seen any pictures of myself as a baby but if my grandsons are any indication I probably was a cute baby I remember people looking and responding how people normally respond when they see babies

My earliest memory

and I have had this memory all my life of being a baby wrapped in a blanket in some ones arms traveling on what I always thought was a air plane but was later told was a train

The experts say that children

have no memory of early age I beg to differ

Setting my anger aside

humbled by those school records

Friday, July 15, 2022


is the reason I graduated she didn't say much when she was on those meds so when she asked me to stop fighting and graduate she knew I didn't like school and said what she didn't like to do I did what I could from that moment to get enough credits to graduate

The last time I

got kicked out they were like one more fight I would probably have to go to an alternative school

I got suspended from

middle school and high school for fighting with boys both times I scratch their faces so bad they asked if I had some kind of weapon when I told them that it was my fingernails they made me cut them and kicked me out of school

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Drum roll

A=no valid attempt I didn't even try

Where did I go to kindergarten

the lady that sent the records basically said this is all she had

But when one document

addresses Mr/Mrs and it should say Johnson it just says Mr/Mrs : to the parents of as if to insinuate they didn't know who my parents were

Okay the writing was

always filt out by other the person on the other side of the table

And when I say

not Mother's signature it's not a brother or sister kind of a signature

Word to the wise

I got yo test and you are testing my patience

I couldn't even get a

A in foods well who was the teacher well what happen wtf

This document asked for a student

number student number is crossed out above it is written SS and they wrote a different social security number

Two things about these records

there are documents with Mothers signature but not her hand writing this is a document from ceta a work program where I received credit towards graduation that document has for me a different social security number

Is it because I'm black

that I have been treated in this manner

The single subject

tests in those fucked up mortgage papers you referred to me as the subject it said something to the effect that the subject lived so many feet from Henry School/ Henry Padeia

How to explain

my situation to any body that would help

Single- subject

test ok huh



Is the metropolitan achievement

test still in play and how did I do on the test?

I think you

not only did the metropolitan test you did some of the others on the lo

I thought I was

a bad student I have my grades from Union High and they don't look good

Prognostic test


Is that what

the fuck we are doing

It appears

to be all A's

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Now I have asked

my "oldest sister about this adoption situation. what I will say Mr Enos Johnson she said was her Dad and he died when she was 6 months old

Sunday, July 3, 2022

FDR married his fifth cousin

once removed I don't know what that term means once removed or twice removed I've heard it before but yeah no not his fifth cousin


2 a: the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly dilatory tending or intended to cause delay

Friday, July 1, 2022

Three blood pressure

pills back half of it was a water pill I have water retention and I have a call in to the doctor and waiting for a response fix it dam wtf


 The dots