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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Evidence new information

means nothing all the evidence they have against donald trump inciting a riot and he still walking around free the odds are stacked against me I will never see justice

Based on new found information

we need to refile that civil rights claim

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

I respectively decline

based on the fact that I might incriminate myself against xyz

So when they asked me

if I wanted to go too the hospital I respectively declined I can't I have had my fair share

I have seen the light

on the carbon monoxide alarm go red before but it must not have been strong enough to set off the alarm

Me and Dr. C agree on one

thing that I should have some dull moments in my life it's our prayer

I always keep the window

open winter spring summer fall the window is open always I like a air flow but I was instructed to close it by the 911 operator to close the window and go outside close the window so they could get an accurate reading and as soon as they walked in their instruments started beeping

Everyone needs a carbon monoxide alarm

alarm please call the fire department if you don't have one I believe they install them for free

Thanks to the fire department

and dte energy and maintenance

All of a sudden

the carbon monoxide alarm started going off I called my daughter she called maintenance I called 911 and yes there was a gas leak from the hot water heater

When I returned from the walk

took a cold bath and put on my pj's I still was unsettled and for nothing reason I went outside on the balcony a couple times was thinking about sitting on the balcony hot outside


that there was carbon monoxide in the air

The Lord put on my heart today

with a since of urgency to go outside hot as it was and is I had to go outside so as hot as it was I took a walk I thought that I was crazy to go out in this heat and walk but GOD

Monday, June 13, 2022

Unemployment office

those taxes that I didn't file my first reaction when I got them was who the fuck did you give that money to because it sure wasn't me I eventually thought regardless I have to file them or be penalized bit that bullet

Saturday, June 11, 2022

I too

have been intimidated harassed and bullied I can relate those words

Birds done took to

about stalking me man because they know I know their bird friends are stuck in the top of the fireplace

I feel like I'm in

a bad movie and in the bad movie I feel like my life my birth rights my identity have been stolen and in the bad movie the very thiefish people watch my every move and in the bad movie ect ect ect done just done

And sometimes

we take on characteristics of the people that we are around. how ever that goes

All I know is that Mother

had bunions I have bunions and my daughter has bunions don't take that as a green light to be lookin at our feet

The Bible I have

is compatible with these kinds of books

Gotta use better language

but sometimes you just have to take it to the streets

My birth was a shock

too somebody she's alive what do we do with her try and kill her again

I started the first blog

trying to document the things that were going on and shut it down because of the things going on in hopes that the..basically the attacks would stop but no same shit different day

It's a problem

since I showed signs of life since my first breathe

If it wasn't for all these lies

my blood pressure would probably go down lies from birth know wonder my pressure is high

I know there is medication

that helps and not harm

I'm sure medicine is suppose

to make one better I don't want a new disease I don't want to now take another pill because of the side effects to the second medication because of the first does that make sense I don't know you had one symptom now you on 5 different meds because of the side effects to the first pill you took

Medicine isn't exclusively

prescribed to me but me personally would rather have high blood pressure which I could work on bringing down than have bleeding gums blindness night sweats death you might not have high blood pressure anymore but your dead

I kept the leaflets

about the medication

Waiting to hear

from the Central Adoption Registry in Michigan they have so many days in which to respond


out of the azul

Friday, June 10, 2022


and thank you

The bluebird

was just on the balcony I couldn't take the picture because I was on the phone making the appointment for what better be the full body scan

It was the blurriness

in both eyes this morning not normal now I got get this shit out of my system really

And if it is not

listed in the leaflet as a side effect call the FDA and add it in bitches pissed


the night sweats got something to do with them pills

And too think

you just told me to double up on them beyond pissed right now

Pain in the eye

side effect to the new blood pressure medication losartan

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Putting tape

over my lips hard to do

So we have

good government bad government and I was told in the past by one of the men from mercantile this is government I suppose he didn't mean the good ones

Spectrum Health survey

no my needs weren't addressed my eye hurts today and yesterday this will not be happening every day yall better figure it the fuck out

To the feds

you're up next city state feds if the certificate of live birth came from the state federal government needs to do something obviously

Let's keep

those body-cams on

Prosecutor Becker

did the right thing today today

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The pills

you prescribed for sleep is not helping the night sweats so your not addressing the problem


one whose profession is to conduct lawsuits for clients or to advise as to legal rights and obligations in other matters

Unemployment office

git yall rabbit ass shit together stop harassing me and pay me my fucking money crooked lying bitches


3:a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment enact: to make (as a bill) into law

Sunday, June 5, 2022


stolen straight from the womb

Now the birth certificate

with the foot prints that say 7 and a half pounds 19 and a half length/inches so your aborting full term babies

I'm sure there is a law

pertaining to medical devices being left in humans


definition a binding custom or practice of a community: a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority is the controlling authorities the people voted into the positions by the community

So pertaining to cloning

someone tried it and a law was written to say basically not too do it again?

When I was growing up

we didn't have crazy killer video gaming we watched school house rocks

A Bill that becomes a law

I'm just a Bill sitting here on capital hill

There has to be a problem

that didn't exist before let's use guns and school shootings didn't exist when I was in school so law's have to be written to ban assault rifles and the legal age of one that might obtain this or similar weapons

Ok bare with me while I

give my own definition of the law to my self

What good is the laws

if the very people writing them are not abiding by them and sit idly by knowing a crime is taking place

The law's law's

I'm trying to figure out if you pass law's before or after you commit crimes

Friday, June 3, 2022

Verifying my identity today

the passport should be the ID of all IDs I would of sent a copy of the certificate of live birth but I believe it has been altered with that small ass print pertaining to being an a

Sometimes the intervention

of GOD is by any means necessary

Up next

full body scan really

The last

procedure where you stuck a tube down my nose to the throat and I was conscious and given very little numbing aid you left me traumatized that was bull shit and we ain't doin bull shit no more

Right about now

I believe I have a piece of that needle in my body. my body has responded by vomiting,issues with digesting food,terrorizing night sweats,and the pain in the right eye every other day that feels like I'm being polked in the eye with the very same needle


 The dots